Here are some of the standout features:
Plus features every good WordPress theme should have like navigation menus, threaded comments, robust blogging, and clean semantic code. It’s also optimized to be fast loading which is very important for photography sites that tend to be slow.
On top of all that, you also get great support straight from the theme developer.
newChanged the name of this theme from Selfie to Selfie by OT as other themes have the same name and WordPress was creating a conflict by forcing users to update to those other themes. This resolves that issue but you must re-install and re-set up the theme. You can export your content in Tools > Export and import in Tools > Import > WordPress. We suggest exporting and importing your widgets using the free plugin Widget Importer & Exporter.
updatedpage-portfolio-group.php page-home-tempalte.php single-block.php taxonomy-portfolio-group.php -- changed loop for galleries so they use a counter to create the opening link
updated/includes/options.php -- changed footer input to editor type from text input
updatedfooter.php -- removed
tags from custom footer text since the editor input supplies them
newstyle.css -- added overflow for animated text on short screens
newpage-portfolio-group.php -- added template to display one portfolio group.
newpage-home-template.php -- added mobile hero option
newsingle-block.php -- added mobile hero option
newtaxonomy-portfolio-group.php -- added mobile hero option
new/includes/custom-meta-boxes/selfie.php -- added uploader for mobile hero image
newincludes/options.php -- added options for custom fonts
newincludes/fonts.php -- added custom fonts to list
updatedversion number bump to avoid free theme's updates.
updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- set captions and close/arrow bars to remain open in mobile view.
newpage-home-template.php -- added block title to hero image in open swipebox
newsingle-block.php -- added block title to hero image in open swipebox
newtaxonomy-portfolio-group.php -- added block title to hero image in open swipebox
newfooter.php -- added closing button for sidebar to use with tablets/phones
newstyle.css -- added closing button styles
newpage-home-template.php -- added captions for images in image groups. If an image caption has been added, it will be displayed.
newsingle-block.php -- added captions for images
newtaxonomy-portfolio-group.php -- added captions for images
updatedstyle.css -- removed extra character from body tag
updatedjs/swipebox.js -- updated to version 1.2.9 (fixes arrows in IE 11)
newincludes/custom-css.php -- added button styles
updatedjs/swpiebox.js -- updated to version 1.2.7
newincludes/custom-js.php -- added option to set delay on swipebox navigation
newincludes/options.php -- added option for swipebox navigation delay
newtaxonomy-block-group.php -- added to allow display of portfolio group taxonomy
newincludes/queries.php -- added to allow portfolio groups to display up to 20 items and set the order
newincludes/post-types/block.php -- added portfolio group taxonomy
updatedjs/swipebox.js -- updated to version 1.2.3
updatedincludes/custom-css.php -- took out Custom CSS box note
newincludes/custom-meta-boxes/selfie.php -- added field for videos
newpage-home-template.php -- added video support to home blocks
newsingle-block.php -- added video support
newFirst release