TYPE Restaurant

Here are some of the standout features:

Unique Homepage
Add your own images. Choose between color and grayscale.
Use up to seven sections for your content. Or, install a page builder and build custom pages.
Food menu, services, slideshow, page content, contact, widgets, or contact blocks.
Easy Content
Create a food menu for your restaurant.
Add a list of your business’ services.
Staff section to introduce your visitors to the people who make your business work.
Easy Setup
Well thought out theme options to make set up straight forward.
Add links to your social networks.
Have a well-laid out contact section for your visitors.
Easy Customization
Add your own logo.
Google web fonts built-in.
Pick your own colors and see the changes live on your site.
Ten different light box skins for your image galleries.
PO file included, making this translation-ready.
Responsive Design
Moonrise is made to work with smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops.
Cross browser tested in Chrome, Edge, Vivaldi, Firefox, Safari, Opera and IE 8+.

Plus, amazing support you can count on!

January 13, 2022 - version 2.6

updated* UPDATE: jarallax.js library - js/jarallax.js * FIX: Safari parallax scrolling issue. * FIX: Widgets appearance in Appearance > Customize > Widgets - functions.php (temporary fix until we add support for Block-based Widgets)

new* ADD: Food Menu Group description on the food archive pages - includes/body-tag.php and style.css

August 19, 2021 - version 2.5

updated* Compatibility update for WordPress 5.7. * Compatibility update for PHP 8. - Widget: Page - missing constructor includes/widget-page.php - Widget: Posts - missing constructor includes/widget-posts.php - Widget: Video - missing constructor includes/widget-video.php - Widget: Contact - missing constructor includes/widget-contact.php - Widget: Slideshow - missing constructor includes/widget-slideshow.php - Widget: Facebook LikeBox - missing constructor includes/widget-facebook-like-box.php - Widget: Menu Group - missing constructor includes/widget-menu-group.php - Widget: Service Group - missing constructor includes/widget-service-group.php - Widget: Staff Group - missing constructor includes/widget-staff-group.php - Deprecated `get_screen_icon()` - inc/options-backup.php - Deprecated `screen_icon()` - inc/options-framework.php - Undefined indexes/variables in inc/options-interface.php - Undefined `$post` object in includes/post-types/post-type-services.php - Undefined `$post` object in includes/post-types/post-type-staff.php - Undefined `$post` object in includes/post-types/post-type-food.php - Undefined `$post` object in includes/post-types/post-type-slides.php - Non-object fix in includes/widget-service-group.php - Google Fonts API URL fix - editor-style.css - Load Google Fonts only when needed and fix API URL - includes/fonts.php

September 7, 2020 - version 2.4

updated* Theme Options text changes. - options.php * Navigation item color and hover color fix for desktop and mobile. Background opacity reduction. - style.css * Fix for submenu not appearing when hovering over it. - style.css and js/superfish.js

May 6, 2019 - version 2.3

updated* Fixed the front page parallax background images showing a space when using the grayscale setting. - content-css.php

February 27, 2019 - version 2.2

updatedThe grid size has been increased. More information below. - Fixed blog layout as image was not aligned. - Fixed header overlapping the body when large logo is used - Increased grid size to 1140px. * style.css

newMoonrise is now Gutenberg compatible! We also added the option to change grayscale images to colored ones on the homepage. Add text over homepage backgrounds. More information below. - Removed Homepage section from Appearance > Theme Options as it's now in the Customizer. - Added the ability to choose between grayscale and color images for the homepage backgrounds. Go to Appearance > Customize > Homepage to edit that. - Added a text editor that lets you add your own text over the homepage images. Go to Appearance > Customize > Homepage to view it. * options.php, functions.php, style.css, page-home.php, includes/theme-customizer.php, includes/text-editor-custom-control.pbp, and includes/custom-css.php

November 1, 2017 - version 2.0

updatedComplete redesign.

06.07.2016 - version 1.3.6

updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- updated smooth scrolling for newer jQuery

07.14.2015 -- version 1.3.5

updatedstyle.css -- added input[type="email"] to input styles -- adjusted form styling a bit

updated/images/social.png -- changed file name

new/includes/custom-css.php -- added input[type="email"] to accent color output

newfooter.php -- added classes to footer left paragraphs

new/includes/custom-js.php -- added movement to header for direct links to page sections

02.03.2015 -- version 1.3.4

updatedlayouts/staff-meta.php -- added loading of Google+ and LinkedIn

updatedoptions.php -- new Google Fonts options

newincludes/fonts.php -- loading of new Google Fonts options

12.29.2014 -- version 1.3.3

newlayouts/home-contact.php -- added anti-spam bot to email address

newpage-contact.php -- added anti-spam bot to email address

07.24.2014 -- version 1.3.2

updatedincludes/post-types/post-type-food.php -- fixed reference in shortcode to menu-group-list.php

07.12.2014 -- version 1.3.1

updatedstyle.css -- fixed social icon alignment in footer (from center to right)

updatedincludes-custom-js.php -- removed commented out code

updatedlayouts/service-group-item.php -- added missing > from top li

07.05.2014 -- version 1.3.0

updatedjs/lightbox/themes -- fixed bottom border in all lightbox styles

updatedstyle.css -- set HTML height to auto changed webkit appearance on inputs made drop down menu opaque and added padding

updatedlayouts/staff-group-item.php -- changed class on featured image

updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- changed lightbox class so it's only applied to links directly to images -- added smooth scroll function that moves content up to 100 pixels above the ID

updatedincludes/fonts.php -- removed output of font-weight from Google Fonts (restores heading weight) -- updated list of fonts to version 1.3

updatedincludes/content-limit.php -- updated to current version

updatedincludes/post-types -- updated all post types to current versions

updatedfooter.php -- moved social icons to the footer-right -- added two additional lines for optional text

newadded class="page-title" to h1 tags throughout theme

newadded page-full-menu.php -- template to display all menu groups and items

newincludes/theme-customizer.php -- added home background section

newinc/options-framework-scripts.php -- added jQuery to show/hide home block controls

newincludes/menu-group-widget.php -- added ID to each menu group for easier styling

01.18.2014 -- version 1.2.2

newhome-contatct.php and page-contact.php -- added option for phone number link

newoptions.php -- added field for phone number link

newstyle.css -- set hover cursor for phone number link to text

newlayouts/menu-group-list.php -- added class to menu items and id's

newlayouts/staff-group-list.php -- added class to menu items and id's

01.09.2014 -- version 1.2.1

updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- changed variable for food section to food and staff section to staff

updatedsidebar.php -- fixed all to page and post sidebars

12.17.2013 -- version 1.2.0

updatedstyle.css -- hid home block background images on smaller than tablet sizes and made new mobile image div visible there. Changed fixed header to position relative on smaller than tablet size too. Removed height: auto from contact section.

newwidgets.php -- added note about Home One widget

newpage-home.php -- added new div to each section to load section images on mobile devices

newlayouts/post-meta.php -- added spans to each element and wrapped comments in a conditional tag to only display when necessary.

11.11.2013 -- version 1.1.6

updatedarchive-staff.php -- fixed staff thumbnail

updatedfonts.php -- updated to list 1.2

updatedjs/flexslider.js -- updated to version 2.2

newadded option to change slugs of staff, food, and services (staff.php, services.php, food.php, options.php)

newadded option to set top margin of content wrapper on inside pages

newadded shortcode for staff group list

newfunctions.php -- added conditionals to loading of default files

newincludes/custom-js.php -- added script to add class to header on scroll

newincludes/images.php -- added script to automatically add fit-video div around oembed videos

10.01.2013 -- version 1.1.5

updatedjs/lightbox/lightbox.js -- updated to version 1.8

updatedincludes/images.php -- changed staff image size to staff-thumbnail

updatedstyle.css -- changed styles to match staff image change.

08.06.2013 - version 1.1.4

updatedcustom-js.php -- took out smooth scrolling as it conflicted with the next/previous buttons in the gallery

updatedlightbox.js -- updated to work with jQuery 1.10.2 (WordPress 3.6)

newqueries.php -- added post_per_page=-1 to pre_get_posts

newoptions.php & custom-css.php -- added option to set color of header and to set top margin for the .wrap on inside pages

06.24.2013 - version 1.1.3

updatedoptions.php -- changed navigation to navigation_text (fixes navigation color bug)

06.19.2013 - version 1.1.2

updatedwidget-twitter.php -- removed widget due to Twitter API 1.1 being retired

updatedwidget-facebook-like-box.php -- updated Facebook code (removes border)

updatedheader.php -- rearranged section to move loading of wp_head higher in file

updatedcustom-css.php -- changed hook from wp_head to tha_head_bottom

updatedlightbox.js -- updated to version 1.7.1

newstyle.css -- added top margin for .wrap for inside pages when using fixed header

06.04.2013 - version 1.1.1

updatedstyle.css - fixed bug with header not resizing on mobile devices when set to "scroll"

updatedwidget-twitter.php - updated to current framework version

updatedscripts.php - added meta generator for theme version

updatedwidget-contact.php - updated introductory text in widget

updatedtitles.php - updated to current framework version

updatedoptions.php - removed built-in SEO option (no longer necessary)

updatedheader.php - updated title tag to correspond with new titles.php

newpage-home.php - added conditional for first section to only appear if sidebar is active

05.20.2013 - version 1.1.0

updatedVersion Note - The homepage template has been changed to be completely widget based. This allows for more flexibility and easier setup.

updatedfonts.php - Google Fonts support

updatedscripts.php - moved stylesheet loading here

updatedcustom-css.php - updated background section

updatedcustom-js.php - extended lightbox images individual image links and smooth scrolling for same page links

updatedtheme-customizer.php - moved customizer to separate file (from options.php)

updatedstyle.css - removed uppercase from headings

newtheme-updater.php - added automatic theme updates


updatedUpdated inc folder to include options backup/export

newAdded Featured Post widget


newAdded queries.php added order for menu-groups to pre_get_posts


updatedFixed home-menu.php -- added closing div to the end (that's what the extra div in 1.0.5 was all about)

newAdded services shortcode to services.php to display services groups via shortcode


updatedFixed home-menu.php -- removed unnecessary divs from fifth menu section staff-meta.php -- added call to Google+


newAdded taxonomy-menu-group.php -- lightbox images to menu items


newAdded page-full.php -- full width page template


updatedhome-services.php replaced "menu_intro" with "service_intro"


updatedHomepage slideshow, changed custom field to the_content

newOptional thumbnails for menu items Added three more menu sections to homepage (brings total to 8)


newInitial Release

Moonrise is made so you can set up an eye-catching site that will boost your business. It can be a one-page website, but you have the flexibility to have a blog and as many inner-pages as you want.
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Template Information

Created On:
December 13, 2012
Updated On:
February 26, 2023
Widget Ready:
High Resolution:
Compatible Browsers:
IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, Edge
Software Version:
WordPress 6+
Files Included:
Package, PHP Files, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files
All of our themes include the demo files.
All of our themes are compatible with Elementor.
All of our modern themes are PHP 8.1 compatible.

Promotion: Get this theme or any of our premium themes for free when you sign up for any hosting plan with us.

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