Umami also includes dependable support straight from the developer.
updatedinc/options-backup.php/options-backup.php: - Fixed PHP error. js/functions.js: - Fixed sidebar not scrolling down when using multiple widgets and when screen size is 970px and over. - Made the content area be the same height as the sidebar (full height).
updatedincludes/images.php - fixed image thumbnails sometimes appearing blurry.
updatedFixed Navigation Drop Down Link Background Color (Hover) option in responsive view. Files modified: - sidebar.php - includes/custom-css.php - style.css
updatedfunctions.php - fixed Walker_Nav_Menu error
updatedincludes/fonts.php - fixed Google Fonts https error
updatedFixing WooCommerce caused bugs - Gallery images (thumbnails) below products were blurry. So, we fixed that and made them appear 2 by 2 instead of 1 per row. Fixed logo hover as well (there was a background color appearing when hovering). - styles-woocommerce.css - change single product images display - includes/custom-css.php - styling bug fixes
updatedWe added an option that lets you either have the menu closed or open at all times. We re-wrote the menu as we found some bugs when adding dropdown menus. You can find the new setting in Theme Options > Navigation. - functions.php - added option for open menu - sidebar.php - added option for open menu - header.php - added option for open menu - style.css - added option for open menu - includes/custom-css.php - added option for open menu - includes/custom-js.php - added option for open menu - js/functions.js - added option for open menu
updatedtaxonomy-staff-group.php - fixed staff page template. Selecting it now displays the Staff in that page.
updatedstyle.css - reduced font size for shop page products title
updatedincludes/widget-contact.php - fixed customize contact widget width (customizer menu) in responsive view
updated#content:after { position: fixed; left: 300px; width: 660px; top: 0; bottom: 0; height: 100vh; z-index: -1; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); } * style.css -- changed social URL's to remove .com from match to give easier matching across countries
updatedfunctions.php -- changed loading of woocommerce.php file so it only loads if WooCommerce is active
updated/includes/woocommerce.php -- added shortcode to make product list like menu group list
newstyle.css -- added a few styles to complete the product list
updatedstyle.css -- changed animations by .01 second to better sync them. -- set video backgrounds to be hidden on smaller devices -- set sidebar to position relative and added z-index
updated/includes/custom-js.php -- removed conditional to prevent supersized script from loading when using video. Allows for better background images on smaller screens.
updatedtaxonomy-staff-group.php -- added file for taxonomy archives
newtaxonomy-service-group.php -- added HTML for description if it exists
newtaxonomy-menu-group.php -- added HTML for description if it exists
newpage-menu-list.php -- added conditional for existence of taxonomy description
updated/includes/custom-js.php -- removed script to add "taller" class
updated/includes/scripts.php -- added loading of script from twentyfifteen to position sidebar -- removed imagesloaded.js
updated/js/functions.js -- script from twentyfifteen theme to position sidebar properly
updatedstyle.css -- removed references to taller class -- simplified styles for sidebar and content area
updated/includes/widget-contact.php -- changed to php5 constructor
updated/includes/widget-facebook-like-box.php -- changed to php5 constructor
updated/includes/widget-video.php -- changed to php5 constructor
updated/includes/custom-js.php -- adjusted gallery php
updated/includes/theme-customizer.php -- added custom nav section to replace one removed in WP core -- removed custom footer field due to wp editor usage in theme options -- adjusted nav menu label to fix PHP notice
new/includes/options.php -- added default wp editor options array.
updatedstyle.css -- added no animation to smaller than tablet sizes
updated/includes/custom-js.php -- changed adding taller class to after images loaded
new/js/imagesloaded.js -- added script to detect when images have finished loading
new/includes/scripts.php -- added enqueuing of imagesloaded.js
updatedstyle.css -- added input email type to styles
updated/includes/fonts.php -- updated list and added option for custom fonts
updated/includes/options.php -- added input for custom fonts
updated/includes/scripts.php -- enqueued wallpaper.js
updated/js/wallpapger.js -- added file
updatedstyle.css -- added wallpaper styles for video
updated/includes/woocommerce.php -- added file for WooCommerce functions
updatedstyles-woocommerce.css -- began loading WooCommerce styles in theme instead of plugin
updated/images/icons/ -- folder of images from WooCommerce plugin
new/includes/custom-meta-boxes/umami.php -- added fields for background video
new/includes/custom-js.php -- added background video
updatedarchive.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer
updatedindex.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer
updatedpage-menu-list.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer
updatedpage-service-list.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer
updatedpage-staff-list.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer
updatedpage.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer
updatedsingle-staff.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer
updatedsingle.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer
updatedtaxonomy-menu-group.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer
updatedtaxonomy-service-group.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer
updatedwoocommerce.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer
updatedheader.php -- added mobile header section for logo and menu
updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- added slicknav call for mobile menu
updatedincludes/custom-css.php -- adjusted custom menu styles
updatedstyle.css -- added styles for mobile menu
updatedfonts.php -- fixed enqueuing of heading font
updatedincludes/custom-css.php -- fixed heading font color
updatedincludes/options.php -- changed footer text from field to wysiwyg input.
updatedfonts -- added Socicon font and removed "Icons" font
updatedstyle.css -- change social icons to use new font -- added support for TripAdvisor, FourSquare, Vine, Github
updatedincludes/widget-contact.php -- added option to make address link to URL
updatedpage-menu-list.php -- added wp_reset_postdata to fix conflict with background images.
updatedpage-service-list.php -- added wp_reset_postdata to fix conflict with background images.
updatedincludes/queries.php -- added post_per_page => -1 for each post type.
updatedstyle.css -- took out unnecessary background video style
updatedpage-menu-list.php -- fixed sorting
updatedpage-service-list.php -- fixed sorting
updatedstyle.css -- changed body fonts for IE 11
updatedstyle.css -- added box sizing for lightbox pop-up and set body background color to #000
updatedjs/lightbox/themes -- updated all styles to fix bottom border alignment
newincludes/custom-js.php -- added prev/next to gallery class
newincludes/queries.php -- added pre_get_posts for menu group and service groups
updatedFirst release