Grassroots is tested in Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Vivaldi, Safari and Internet Explorer 9+ on desktops and Android/iOS and Chrome on Mobile.
It also includes dedicated support right from us.
updated* Update: WordPress 5.9 compatibility. * Fix: Donation amount issue on cart page - updated the plugin and added/prepackaged it into the theme in lib/plugins/ - includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php * Fix: Widgets not displaying - functions.php * Fix: Contact widget not showing details - includes/widget-contact.php
updated- Fixed fonts API URL - grassroots/includes/fonts.php - Undefined index - grassroots/includes/theme-customizer.php - Undefined indexes - grassroots/includes/fonts.php - Undefined variable - grassroots/layouts/hero-options.php - Load Google Fonts only if needed.
updated- WordPress 5.7 and PHP 8 compatibility. - Fix for HomeBox widget image selector now opens the Media Library correctly. - Fix for Sponsor undefined `$post` variable. - Fix for Staff undefined `$post` variable. - Fix for undefined `$font_color` in `inc/options-interface.php`. - Fix for undefined `$font_style` in `inc/options-interface.php`. - Fix for deprecated `screen_icon()` and `get_screen_icon()` usages. - Fix for Contact Widget - multiple undefined indexes.
updated- Compatibility with WordPress 5.5. - Fixed error which prevented the choose image dialog box from opening in the Widget Home Box. - jQuery error fixes. - Theme Options fixes. * js/welcome-admin.js * includes/custom-js.php * includes/widget-home-box.php * includes/widget-featured-page.php
updated- Fixed jQuery error which prevented the choose image dialog box from opening in the Widget Home Box. * js/welcome-admin.js
new- Added plugin installer after activating the theme, displaying the recommended plugins to install. * includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php * includes/theme-plugins.php
updated- Footer background color fix when using compact/boxed footer layout. * includes/custom-css.php
updated- Fix for WooCommerce product tabs (such as Additional information) not displaying when clicked. * functions.php - Fix for sub-submenu not displaying. * header.php - Fixed a small bug that caused errors in error_log. * includes/custom-meta-boxes/init.php - Fixed bug affecting the Sponsor Widget layout. * includes/widget-sponsors.php - Changed default footer colors. Added transition animation for links. Added animation for when hovering over sponsor images. Increased post margin to separate individual posts. * style.css - Moved front-end product SKU and category texts to their own row. * styles-woocommerce.css
updated- Fixed font weight (bold) not showing in screen sizes under 1024px. * style.css
updated- Fixed alignment for dropdown menu. * style.css - Sponsor widget: animation speed has been removed as it wasn't working. * includes/widget-sponsors.php
updated- Fixed dropdown menu bugs. - Fixed header overlapping. * style.css * functions.php
updated- Pages that displayed posts in a category had too much space between each post. * archive.php
updated- Reviews tab for products is now accessible. It was previously reloading the page upon clicking it. - WooCommerce templates have been updated. - Added a proper footer. You can now choose between 1 and 4 columns, and can choose between a full-width footer and a compact footer layout. - Search button in sidebar is now aligned and has a hover effect. * includes/options.php * includes/theme-customizer.php * includes/custom-css.php * includes/custom-js.php * style.css
updatedindex.php -- made change to first video function
updated/includes/images.php -- made change to first video function
updated/includes/custom-js.php -- updated smooth scrolling for newer jQuery versions
updated/includes/theme-customizer.php -- moved navigation items to new section
updated/includes/widget-video.php -- updated widget to add oEmbed option
updated/includes/widgets-*.php -- updated php constructor to new version
updated/includes/custom-css.php -- took out reference to visited color in navigation
updated/layouts/hero-options.php -- removed navigation visited states
updatedstyle.css -- removed navigation visited states
updated/includes/custom-css.php -- changed current page drop down hover cover to be more specific with visited pages
updatedstyle.css -- changed staff list styling from template to .staff-list
updatedheader.php -- changed logo area so alt logo for posts page loads now
updated/layouts/hero-options.php -- changed position of video loop option
updatedstyle.css -- altered home box layout for screens 767px and smaller -- tweaked small and normal sized hero height so it has a minimum height, but can grow beyond that on large, wide screens -- tweaked hero layout on very short screens like a phone in landscape orientation
updatedheader.php -- changed loading of hero for blog page also
updated/layouts/hero-options.php -- added hero option for blog page
updatedstyle.css -- changed n:th child on staff members in archive view
updated/layouts/staff-details.php -- added mailto: to staff links
new/includes/woocommerce.php -- added helper function file for WooCommerce
new/images/icons/ -- added folder of WooCommerce icons
updatedstyles.css -- added styling for home page featured post widget -- added section for wallpaper.js script
updated/includes/custom-css.php -- added current item hover to navigation item hover color. -- added current menu item selector for sub-menu current page color (same as hover). -- added output of new color options -- added footer content to footer background color -- removed unnecessary selectors from button styles
updated/includes/theme-customizer.php -- removed unnecessary section from home page panel
updatedfunctions.php -- loading of new woocommerce.php file
updatedstyles-woocommerce.css -- moved WooCommerce styles into theme
updated/includes/options.php -- added options for alt buttons, price and sale notification
updated/includes/theme-customizer.php -- loaded new options into customizer
updated/woocommerce/loop/pagination.php -- swapped WooCommerce pagination for theme's
updated/js/wallpaper.js -- added background video script
updated/js/covervids.js -- removed old background video script
updated/includes/scripts.php -- removed covervids and replaced it with wallpaper
updated/includes/custom-meta-boxes/grassroots.php -- added field for YouTube URL and removed width and height fields
updatedheader.php -- removed reference to Chrome frame since the project is no longer in use
updated/includes/scripts.php -- fixed stylesheet/template reference in registering slick.js
updatedstyle.css -- removed bottom margin from child comments in blog to prevent unexpected gaps -- added styling for featured post widget on home page to mirror home box layout -- changed 2n to 3n + 2 for margins in staff section
updated/includes/options.php -- added option for navigation menu button color
updated/includes/custom-css.php -- output for navigation button color -- fixed drop-down color when child of current page item
updated/includes/theme-customizer.php -- add navigation button options to customizer
updatedsingle-staff.php -- changed staff image to correct size
updatedtaxonomy-staff-group.php -- moved staff-list div to begin below taxonomy description
updatedstyle.css -- adjusted drop-down menu width and padding
updated/includes/custom-css.php -- fixed drop-down distance output
updated/includes/widget-contact.php -- fixed display of phone number in widget settings.
updated/includes/post-types/staff.php -- fixed custom staff and staff-group slugs
updated/includes/custom-meta-boxes/grassroots.php -- added option for looping/not looping video
updated/layouts/hero-options.php -- looping video option
updated style.css -- fixed home box on smaller screens -- fixed small height hero option
updated/layouts/hero-options.php -- fixed call to hero_image_mobile in line 32
updated/includes/options.php -- added option to change sponsor slug and sponsor group slug
updated/includes/post-types/sponsors.php -- added options to change slugs for sponsors and sponsor groups
updatedtaxonomy-sponsor-group.php -- added file
newFirst release!