TYPE Nonprofit

Key Features

Fullscreen Background Videos and Images
Each page can have a “hero section” (the large area at the top of the page) with either video a video or image there.
Simple to create. Just upload your video or image, add some text and you’re done.
Built on WooCommerce for the best user experience and flexibility.
Create as many fundraising campaigns as you’d like.
Exclusive WooCommerce Campaign Extension plugin included so you can raise funds directly on your own site. “Name Your Own Price” is also included.
Let users give any amount or offer some preset options.
Mobile Friendly
Grassroots has built-in support for everything from small phones to very large displays.
The mobile design isn’t tied to specific devices, so as the mobile web evolves in the future, you’ll be ready.
Graceful fallback for mobile devices that don’t support video backgrounds.
Easy To Customize
Add your own logo and colors.
Choose different logo/navigation colors on any hero page so your text is always visible.
Choose from over 600 of the best Google Fonts.
Drag and drop home page to create just the layout you want.
Useful Tools
Sponsors section to display those who have contributed to your organization.
Staff section to let visitors connect with your key leaders.
Contact widget to show your location and hours.
Facebook, Featured Posts, Video and Featured Page widgets.
Support for The Events Calendar plugin to display coming events on your site.
WordPress Features You Expect
Customizer support so you can visually design your site.
Navigation menus for drag and drop menu creation.
Dedicated blog section with threaded commenting.

Grassroots is tested in Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Vivaldi, Safari and Internet Explorer 9+ on desktops and Android/iOS and Chrome on Mobile.

It also includes dedicated support right from us.

March 9, 2022 - version 1.6

updated* Update: WordPress 5.9 compatibility. * Fix: Donation amount issue on cart page - updated the plugin and added/prepackaged it into the theme in lib/plugins/ - includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php * Fix: Widgets not displaying - functions.php * Fix: Contact widget not showing details - includes/widget-contact.php

August 19, 2021 - version 1.5.10

updated- Fixed fonts API URL - grassroots/includes/fonts.php - Undefined index - grassroots/includes/theme-customizer.php - Undefined indexes - grassroots/includes/fonts.php - Undefined variable - grassroots/layouts/hero-options.php - Load Google Fonts only if needed.

March 10, 2021 - version 1.5.9

updated- WordPress 5.7 and PHP 8 compatibility. - Fix for HomeBox widget image selector now opens the Media Library correctly. - Fix for Sponsor undefined `$post` variable. - Fix for Staff undefined `$post` variable. - Fix for undefined `$font_color` in `inc/options-interface.php`. - Fix for undefined `$font_style` in `inc/options-interface.php`. - Fix for deprecated `screen_icon()` and `get_screen_icon()` usages. - Fix for Contact Widget - multiple undefined indexes.

October 5, 2020 - version 1.5.8

updated- Compatibility with WordPress 5.5. - Fixed error which prevented the choose image dialog box from opening in the Widget Home Box. - jQuery error fixes. - Theme Options fixes. * js/welcome-admin.js * includes/custom-js.php * includes/widget-home-box.php * includes/widget-featured-page.php

September 23, 2020 - version 1.5.7

updated- Fixed jQuery error which prevented the choose image dialog box from opening in the Widget Home Box. * js/welcome-admin.js

June 19, 2020 - version 1.5.6

new- Added plugin installer after activating the theme, displaying the recommended plugins to install. * includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php * includes/theme-plugins.php

updated- Footer background color fix when using compact/boxed footer layout. * includes/custom-css.php

June 18, 2020 - version 1.5.5

updated- Fix for WooCommerce product tabs (such as Additional information) not displaying when clicked. * functions.php - Fix for sub-submenu not displaying. * header.php - Fixed a small bug that caused errors in error_log. * includes/custom-meta-boxes/init.php - Fixed bug affecting the Sponsor Widget layout. * includes/widget-sponsors.php - Changed default footer colors. Added transition animation for links. Added animation for when hovering over sponsor images. Increased post margin to separate individual posts. * style.css - Moved front-end product SKU and category texts to their own row. * styles-woocommerce.css

July 9, 2019 - version 1.5.4

updated- Fixed font weight (bold) not showing in screen sizes under 1024px. * style.css

February 18, 2019 - version 1.5.3

updated- Fixed alignment for dropdown menu. * style.css - Sponsor widget: animation speed has been removed as it wasn't working. * includes/widget-sponsors.php

February 15, 2019 - version 1.5.2

updated- Fixed dropdown menu bugs. - Fixed header overlapping. * style.css * functions.php

September 19, 2018 - version 1.5.1

updated- Pages that displayed posts in a category had too much space between each post. * archive.php

July 19, 2018 - version 1.5

updated- Reviews tab for products is now accessible. It was previously reloading the page upon clicking it. - WooCommerce templates have been updated. - Added a proper footer. You can now choose between 1 and 4 columns, and can choose between a full-width footer and a compact footer layout. - Search button in sidebar is now aligned and has a hover effect. * includes/options.php * includes/theme-customizer.php * includes/custom-css.php * includes/custom-js.php * style.css

06.07.2016 - version 1.2.4

updatedindex.php -- made change to first video function

updated/includes/images.php -- made change to first video function

updated/includes/custom-js.php -- updated smooth scrolling for newer jQuery versions

02.06.2016 - version 1.2.3

updated/includes/theme-customizer.php -- moved navigation items to new section

updated/includes/widget-video.php -- updated widget to add oEmbed option

updated/includes/widgets-*.php -- updated php constructor to new version

updated/includes/custom-css.php -- took out reference to visited color in navigation

12.19.2015 - version 1.2.2

updated/layouts/hero-options.php -- removed navigation visited states

updatedstyle.css -- removed navigation visited states

updated/includes/custom-css.php -- changed current page drop down hover cover to be more specific with visited pages

08.27.2015 - version 1.2.1

updatedstyle.css -- changed staff list styling from template to .staff-list

updatedheader.php -- changed logo area so alt logo for posts page loads now

updated/layouts/hero-options.php -- changed position of video loop option

07.06.2015 - version 1.2.0

updatedstyle.css -- altered home box layout for screens 767px and smaller -- tweaked small and normal sized hero height so it has a minimum height, but can grow beyond that on large, wide screens -- tweaked hero layout on very short screens like a phone in landscape orientation

updatedheader.php -- changed loading of hero for blog page also

updated/layouts/hero-options.php -- added hero option for blog page

05.07.2015 - version 1.1.1

updatedstyle.css -- changed n:th child on staff members in archive view

updated/layouts/staff-details.php -- added mailto: to staff links

04.27.2015 - version 1.1.0

new/includes/woocommerce.php -- added helper function file for WooCommerce

new/images/icons/ -- added folder of WooCommerce icons

updatedstyles.css -- added styling for home page featured post widget -- added section for wallpaper.js script

updated/includes/custom-css.php -- added current item hover to navigation item hover color. -- added current menu item selector for sub-menu current page color (same as hover). -- added output of new color options -- added footer content to footer background color -- removed unnecessary selectors from button styles

updated/includes/theme-customizer.php -- removed unnecessary section from home page panel

updatedfunctions.php -- loading of new woocommerce.php file

updatedstyles-woocommerce.css -- moved WooCommerce styles into theme

updated/includes/options.php -- added options for alt buttons, price and sale notification

updated/includes/theme-customizer.php -- loaded new options into customizer

updated/woocommerce/loop/pagination.php -- swapped WooCommerce pagination for theme's

updated/js/wallpaper.js -- added background video script

updated/js/covervids.js -- removed old background video script

updated/includes/scripts.php -- removed covervids and replaced it with wallpaper

updated/includes/custom-meta-boxes/grassroots.php -- added field for YouTube URL and removed width and height fields

04.15.2015 - version 1.0.4

updatedheader.php -- removed reference to Chrome frame since the project is no longer in use

updated/includes/scripts.php -- fixed stylesheet/template reference in registering slick.js

updatedstyle.css -- removed bottom margin from child comments in blog to prevent unexpected gaps -- added styling for featured post widget on home page to mirror home box layout -- changed 2n to 3n + 2 for margins in staff section

updated/includes/options.php -- added option for navigation menu button color

updated/includes/custom-css.php -- output for navigation button color -- fixed drop-down color when child of current page item

updated/includes/theme-customizer.php -- add navigation button options to customizer

updatedsingle-staff.php -- changed staff image to correct size

updatedtaxonomy-staff-group.php -- moved staff-list div to begin below taxonomy description

03.01.2015 - version 1.0.3

updatedstyle.css -- adjusted drop-down menu width and padding

updated/includes/custom-css.php -- fixed drop-down distance output

updated/includes/widget-contact.php -- fixed display of phone number in widget settings.

01.16.2015 - version 1.0.2

updated/includes/post-types/staff.php -- fixed custom staff and staff-group slugs

updated/includes/custom-meta-boxes/grassroots.php -- added option for looping/not looping video

updated/layouts/hero-options.php -- looping video option

11.24.2014 - version 1.0.1

updated style.css -- fixed home box on smaller screens -- fixed small height hero option

updated/layouts/hero-options.php -- fixed call to hero_image_mobile in line 32

updated/includes/options.php -- added option to change sponsor slug and sponsor group slug

updated/includes/post-types/sponsors.php -- added options to change slugs for sponsors and sponsor groups

updatedtaxonomy-sponsor-group.php -- added file

09.16.2014 - version 1.0.0

newFirst release!

Grassroots is a handcrafted tool you can use to make an amazing site for your organization to meet your online goals. It has great fundraising built on top of the excellent WooCommerce plugin so you can raise money right on your own site for as many projects as you'd like to.
Buy Grassroots - $55 Buy All Themes - $85Buy All Themes Lifetime - $95

Template Information

Created On:
September 16, 2014
Updated On:
February 26, 2023
Widget Ready:
High Resolution:
Compatible Browsers:
IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, Edge
Software Version:
WordPress 6+
Compatible With:
WooCommerce, Full Screen Background Videos and Images
Files Included:
Package, PHP Files, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files
- All of our themes include the demo files.
- All of our themes are compatible with Elementor and other page builders.
- All of our modern themes are PHP 8.x compatible.

Promotion: Get this theme or any of our premium themes for free when you sign up for any hosting plan with us.

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