Here’s a rundown of the features you can expect:
Plus you get quality support you can depend on at Organized Themes.
updated* IMPROVE: Text improvements. * FIX: PHP 7.4, 8.0, and 8.1 warnings and errors. * FIX: jQuery menu issues (dropdown menu). * FIX: Resolve jQuery migrate issues. * FIX: JavaScript error in Appearance > Widgets. * FIX: Contact Widget deprecated codes, errors, and warnings. - includes/widget-contact.php * FIX: Featured Posts Widget deprecated codes and errors. - includes/widget-posts.php * FIX: Featured Video Widget deprecated codes. - includes/widget-video.php * FIX: Facebook Page Widget deprecated codes. - includes/widget-video.php * FIX: Menu post type error. - includes/post-types/menu-type.php * FIX: Font fatal error in customizer. - includes/fonts.php * FIX: Fatal error in Options Framework Import / Export. - inc/options-backup.php * FIX: Fatal error in Textarea Custom Meta Box. - includes/custom-meta-boxes/init.php * FIX: Fatal error during fresh install. - options.php * FIX: Fatal error Theme Options. - inc/options-framework.php
updatedFixed demo's 5 images not showing up on the homepage.
updated/includes/images.php -- took out function for image sizes as it prevented featured image box from displaying
updatedpage-home.php -- changed placement of a tags in featured row.
updated/includes/images.php -- wrapped image sizes in function so it can be overwritten.
updated/includes/fonts.php -- fixed call for heading font option
updatedstyle.css -- removed extra character options from body tag
updatedstyle.css -- made boxcaptions 85% width to keep text from overflowing instead of wrapping.
updatedstyle.css -- changed #logo and #text-logo to height: auto for smaller screens
updatedpage-menu-list.php -- fixed ordering by order number of menu items
updatedincludes/custom-meta-boxes/bottega-meta-boxes.php -- removed redirect field
updatedstyle.css -- changed ul li to #content ul li, .widget ul li to keep list bullets only in the main content areas.
newlayouts/post-formats.php -- added class to image format featured image
updatedNote: Made the featured row images 167 pixels square.
updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- removed conditional tag for loading slideshow
updatedincludes/script.php -- removed conditional tag for loading slideshow
updatedstyle.css -- changed spacing on home page based on 167 pixel square featured row images
updatedincludes/images.php -- changed featured-thumbnail to 167px square
newincludes/post-types/menu-type.php -- added sorting filter for menu groups.
newlayouts/post-meta.php -- added spans with classes to allow for more styling customizations
newstyles.css -- adjusted third level drop-down menus. -- add fit-video class for responsive videos -- added padding to sidebar and content -- added more padding to main content areas
updatedVery significant release. Most theme files changed. The original menu page template has been retired and a new "Full Menu" page template introduced. The theme options page was also reorganized to be more efficient.
updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- changed lightbox class to only be added to links to images. -- changed sidebar equalizing script to run on image load function -- changed masonry column and gutter width
updatedarchive.php -- added .post-title to h1
updated404.php -- added .post-title to h1
updatedjs/lightbox/themes -- updated to fix bottom border
updatedincludes/widget-posts.php -- moved global $more
newincludes/widget-contact.php -- added one more date/time spot to the contact widget
updatedincludes/post-meta.php -- updated to remove comments reference when comments are closed
updatedpage-home.php -- changed "video" to "fit-video"
updatedjs/fitvids.js -- removed source requirement for videos
updatedfooter.php -- fixed link to Google Plus. Added query counter and stop timer
updatedjs/lightbox/lightbox.js -- updated to version 1.8
updatedincludes/queries.php -- added pre_get_posts function to set order of staff members
updatedtaxonomy-menu_group.php -- took out query_posts (no longer needed because of queries.php)
updatedoptions.php -- set default staff slug to "staff"
newtaxonomy-staff-group.php -- added file for staff groups
newincludes/post-types/staff.php -- added option to change slugs for staff section
updatedfunctions.php -- wrapped loading files in conditional function. Updated excerpt trim function
updatedstyle.css -- removed featured row height and set bottom margin for images there. Removed height for contact widget map and set bottom margin to pull border closer on map iframe
updatedincludes/fonts.php -- updated list to version 1.1
updatedlayouts/staff-entry.php -- pulled staff entry information into separate file
newincludes/widget-contact.php -- added fourth day and time to widget
newncludes/post-types/menu-type.php -- added rewrite rule for menu items
newpage-home.php -- added the_excerpt to featured row (post option)
updatedjs/lightbox/lightbox.js -- updated to work with jQuery 1.10.2 (WordPress 3.6)
updatedAdded page-home.php -- optional location to display the_content on the home page.
updatedRemoved widget-twitter.php -- Twitter 1.0 API no longer supported.
updatedMoved bottega version meta tag from functions.php to scripts.php lightbox.js to version 1.7.1
newAdded single-organizedthemes_menu.php -- fallback for individual menu items
newAdded Automatic Theme Updates 11 more Google fonts
updatedUpdated titles.php -- new framework version scripts.php -- load stylesheet by wp_head hook -- changed from theme version of masonry to load WordPress core style.css -- made smartphone size footer sections 100% width with text-align center widget-facebook-like-box.php -- updated embed code (removes border) content-limit.php -- new framework version widget-posts.php -- added more content options widget-twitter.php -- completely new widget
updatedChanged page-menu.php -- Moved post formats above #page-full widget-contact.php -- Included a separate title above the address section
updatedFixed options-backup.php -- missing textdomain for translation
newAdded custom-js.php -- Lightbox for individual image links
updatedFixed page-menu.php fixed location of post-formats to point to layouts folder.
newAdded options backup/export
updatedChanged featured row text color set to white
updatedNotes rezipped Archive
newAdded 11 more Google font faces
updatedFixed style.css added .ie8 #footer-right to set width to keep icons from stacking
updatedAdded option to disable Google Fonts -- options.php, custom-css.php and fonts.php Header phone number option -- options.php, header.php, style.css, custom-css.php, theme-customizer.php
newAdded redirect option to menu items too
newAdded lightbox evolution (lightbox.php, options to options.php, lightbox folder in js and custom-js.php Google font options Navigation styling Option to upload new icon for social icons in footer Menu Group shortcode to display menu groups in pages/posts Option to display menu items in the featured row Masonry script for home page widgets Twitter Widget Featured Posts Widget Theme Customizer Support Layouts folder and moved appropriate files from includes there
updatedConsolidated sidebars into one sidebar.php file Custom-js.php changed .video to .fit-video New social icons for the footer General code clean up Changed responsive styles of home page widgets Made slide indicator circles css generated instead of images
updatedRemoved: Page div from files
newAdded functions.php -- flush rewrite rules on activation and redirect to theme options on activation
updatedUpdated options framework (inc folder) to version 1.4
newAdded body-tag.php to include extra classes in the tag
updatedChanged home.php to page-home.php Options Framework to version 1.3 (changed directory from "admin" to "inc") Moved functions from functions.php to individual files in "includes" folder Style.css: made site responsive Header.php: updated to new standard head content Updated Facebook and Video widgets to most recent Organized Themes versions In page-staff and single-staff changed option_url to optional_url to correctly call optional link
updatedRemoved PressTrends Closing ?> from functions files
updatedFixed page-menu.php, changed calling of includes/menu-loop.php to includes/menu-loop
newStaff section (/includes/post-types/staff.php, single-staff.php, sidebar-staff.php and page-staff.php) Custom-meta-boxes class added
newAdded footer.php & options.php--Optional Pinterest icon/link for footer
updated404.php--replaced output with list of pages, categories and posts
updatedReworked menu page template to work like original Bottega theme Moved class for menu item thumbnail to the featured image array instead of wrapping in a div. Applied shadow class to menu item thumbnails
updatedFixed ordering of menu items on menu group page (reflects numerical order now) Height of menu items in list. Took out default height and the bottom margin on the item description.
updatedRemoved: Background image of clock and pointer from contact widget
newAdded options framework: Custom post type/taxonomy for food items (allows multiple menu listings) PO file for translation (and setting text domain of all elements) Post formats for images, galleries, and video Added fitvids.js to resize videos proportionally to fit areas Editor styles
updatedFixed bug in layout of contact widget that caused some widgets on overlay it
updatedChanged slideshow to use custom post type Updated Facebook social plugin to latest version SEO titles (added Facebook meta tags too) Updated built-in pagination Moved CSS3 Pie loading to header instead of separate file and updated to version beta5 Added custom field redirect to fields.php file Changed menu page template to display the food custom post type Changed loading of the Nivo slider script to be conditional for the home page or a gallery post type Added WordPress pagination and removed references to WP-Pagenavi