Elite is a feature-packed, visually exciting theme for your store or business. Here’s a brief rundown of the great features included.
On top of all that, you also get fanatical support straight from the theme developer.
updated* FIX: Font Awesome import issue. - style.css, includes/scripts.php
updated* FIX: Submenu position when window is resized to a smaller view (larger than tablet) and lots of menu items exist. - style.css
updated* FIX: Undefined variables/indexes. - includes/fonts.php
updated* WordPress 5.7 and PHP 8 compatibility. * Fixes: - JavaScript Error for undefined `a.browser`. - Error while loading Google Fonts - attempt to load fonts only if requested. - Deprecated `create_function()` replaced. - Undefined `$post` variable in `post-types/slides.php`. - Widget Attention - undefined array index. - Widget Contact - multiple undefined array indexes. - Undefined `$post` in Staff. - Undefined `$font_color` in `inc/options-interface.php`. - Undefined `$font_style` in `inc/options-interface.php`. - Deprecated `screen_icon()` and `get_screen_icon()` usages.
updated* FIX: sub-submenu not displaying. - header.php
updated* FIX: Small bug that caused errors in error_log. - includes/custom-meta-boxes/init.php
updated* UPDATE: Increased spacing after read more button on blog page and after embedded videos. - style.css
updatedstyles-woocommerce.css: - Improved product thumbnail display when there are multiple product images. - Moved product tags to their own line on product pages. - Added more space above the product tabs (description, reviews, etc.).
updatedVideo thumbnail now shows up on recent blog widget and on blog page. Files changed: layouts/posts-format.php includes/widget-posts.php
updated- layouts/hero-options-posts.php - video hero now shows up.
updated- style.css - fixed nav header hiding content.
updated- style.css, functions.php, includes/body-tag.php, includes/custom-css.php, includes/options.php, includes/theme-customizer.php: FIXED navigation bar transparency as it wasn't always showing as transparent. It will now when you don't choose a color in Theme Options > Header. Fixed staff page layout. Fixed add to cart and search button layouts and colors.
newYou now have 2 choices to control the navigation bar color: The new navigation bar color option for pages where a hero is chosen (such as image, gallery, video). Or, the current navigation bar color option that controls the color of the nav bar in pages that do not have a hero image/gallery/video.
updatedheader.php - fixed post format bug for posts - hero gallery/image weren't showing up
updatedlayouts/hero-options-posts.php - fixed post format bug for posts - hero gallery/image weren't showing up
updatedstyle.css - changed default button hover background color for slideshow images
updatedstyle.css - bug fixes
updatedstyle-woocommerce.css - bug fixes
updatedlayouts/hero-options.php - fixed hero section for homepage - Embedded video was not displaying
updatedBug fix: Hero sections (top gallery, full screen top image, etc.) were not displaying the title and buttons in a responsive way.
updatedincludes/widget-attention.php - changing description input field to textarea (WARNING: this gives you more space to type your descriptions (along with the ability to expand that description area) in Appearance > Customize > Widgets (home blocks). HOWEVER, because of our changes, you will lose your current description. MAKE SURE TO COPY WHAT IS IN THE 'DESCRIPTION' TEXT BOX FOR BLOCKS 1, 3, 6, AND SAVE THEM ELSEWHERE. After updating Elite, you can go back to each block and add the text you copied earlier.
updatedincludes/theme-customizer.php - small titles changes in customizer to clarify meaning
updatedincludes/custom-css.php - small bug fixes
updatedstyle.css - small bug fixes
updatedwoocommerce.php - fixed content and sidebar issue caused by recent WooCommerce updates
updatedincludes/custom-meta-boxes/elite.php - updating code for page/product format - no more double hero or missing hero sections (let us know if you encounter this issue again)
updatedlayouts/hero-options - updating code for page/product format - no more double hero or missing hero sections (let us know if you encounter this issue again)
updatedincludes/shortcodes.php - fixed homepage widgets buttons alignment
updatedlayouts/hero-options.php - fixed importing issue with homepage hero section
newincludes/theme-plugins.php - added WooCommerce as recommended plugin
updatedControl how many products per page in the Shop page. --includes/woocommerce.php - added 'Shop Options' in customizer --includes/theme-customizer.php - added 'Shop Options' in customizer
updatedUpdated WooCommerce templates. --woocommerce/loop/pagination.php - updated file to latest WooCommerce version
updatedShop layout and Add to cart buttons were ruined as WooCommerce decided to remove some general CSS styling from their templates. We fixed that. --style.css - fixed WooCommerce shop layout --style-woocommerce.php - fixed WooCommerce shop layout
updatedUpdated the display of all products on one page. There was a limit of 16, which is now unlimited (let us know if it's not) --includes/woocommerce.php - display all products on one page, no pagination
updatedShopping cart implemented in the header and counts the products added in there. --includes/woocommerce.php - added cart icon with cart count --header.php - added cart icon with cart count --includes/custom-css.php - added background color for cart icon with cart count
updated/includes/custom-css.php —- Fixed navigation links font size not working when changing it in theme options
updated/includes/options.php —- Fixed default font size for navigation links (from 20px to 11px)
updatedFixed the word 'image' in Theme Options.
updatedFixed broken demo links.
updatedChanged some demo images.
updated/includes/fonts.php —- updated Google fonts file to support SSL certificates
updated/includes/options.php —- Fixed fonts not working with buttons and added support for fonts in theme panel
updatedstyle.css —- Fixed social icons not displaying properly
updatedstyle.css —- Fixed archives page title display overlapping content
updated/includes/fonts.php —- updated Google fonts file
newComplete redesign.
newstyle.css —- added new styles to reflect new design
updated/includes/custom-js.php -- took out smooth scrolling due to Woo conflict
updated/includes/theme-customizer.php -- manually added nav section for WP 4.3 - tweaked some options to clear php notices
updated/includes/custom-css.php -- output to hide titles
updatedstyle.css -- evened out transitions in product image hovers -- removed clears from product list to allow different number of columns
updatedpage-staff-list.php -- took out reference to featured image
updated/includes/images.php -- wrapped image sizes in function to facilitate child theming
new/includes/body-tag.php -- added layout options for blog page, products, shop page
new/includes/custom-meta-boxes/elite.php -- added layout options to products -- added option to hide page title
new/includes/options.php -- added option for products per row
newstyles-woocommerce.css -- added styles to facilitate products per row
new/includes/woocommerce.php -- added function to filter products per row
updatedstyle.css -- added overflow: hidden to hero-section to prevent extra space being added in footer
updated/includes/custom-js.php -- tweaked resize function for gallery to allow for sizes other than full size
updated/includes/woocommerce.php -- added file to centralize WooCommerce functions
updatedstyles-woocommerce.css -- loading of WooCommerce styles is now part of theme instead of plugin
updated/woocommerce/loop/pagination.php -- replaced WooCommerce navigation with one from rest of the theme
updated/images/icons -- WooCommerce icons in theme now
updated/includes/post-types/slides.php -- changed icon to dashicon
updated/includes/post-types/staff.php -- changed icon to dashicon
updated/includes/post-types/testimony.php -- changed icon to dashicon
updated/includes/post-types/admin.css -- removed old post type icons
updated/includes/options.php -- added options for new button, price, and sale colors
updatedstyle-editor.css -- added to help style visual editor content
updatedfunctions.php -- added loading of new woocommerce helper file and style-editor.css
updatedstyle.css -- reverted hero section styling back to previous method
updated/includes/custom-js.php -- added updated resize function for hero gallery
updated/includes/custom-css.php -- added #sidebar to .widget background color
updated/includes/custom-js.php -- changed masonry width to sizing for footer widgets
updatedfooter.php -- added "sizing" div to start of footer widgets to correctly assign column width
updated/layouts/hero-options.php -- changed hero caption to run through the content filter (allows shortcodes)
updatedstyle.css -- changed medium hero height to 70% and small to 20% from fixed pixel dimensions -- set hero content to displayed as a table-cell to vertically center items
updatedstyle.css -- changed video hero section to static for smaller screens -- fixed width for footer contact widget on home page
updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- changed masonry width from 320 to '.widget'
updatedincludes/custom-meta-boxes/elite.php -- changed hero title and hero caption to textarea-code fields
updatedstyle.css -- fixed minimum height for contact widget vcard in footer
updatedoptions.php -- fixed second Google font name option ID
updatedstyle.css -- adjusted how .fit-video works in #hero-section -- set featured page widgets to form three columns on home page, on smaller screens -- added clear: both for each row in product widget and Woocommerce product pages
updatedincludes/custom-meta-boxes -- updated to version 1.2
updatedlayouts/hero-options.php -- output of new hero options (height, mobile image and logo image)
updatedpage-home-template.php -- added clearfix class to each wrap
updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- fixed resizing for slider with window resizing
newincludes/custom-meta-boxes/elite.php -- added new hero options for height, title image and mobile image
newincludes/options.php -- added options for custom fonts
newincludes/fonts.php -- added custom fonts to list
updatedstyle.css -- tweaked hero text position and style for phone sized screens.
updatedlayouts/hero-options.php -- fixed image format button opening in new tab
updatedincludes/post-types/staff.php -- added back staff shortcode (unintentionally removed in 2.0.0)
updatedincludes/options.php -- added new styles for home page blocks
updatedinc/options-framework-scripts.php -- added for show/hide parts of home page styling
updatedheader.php -- change wp_nav_menu to allow for 2 levels of drop-down menus
updated includes/custom-css.php -- removed home block styling -- made mobile navigation button match styles selected for drop-downs
updatedincludes/images.php -- set content width to 760
updatedincludes/post-types/staff.php -- updated admin columns and added sorting filter
newstyle.css -- added style to remove extra arrows from Firefox quantity box (WooCommerce) -- added max-width to smartphone logos to keep from overlapping with navigation button -- added negative bottom margin for hero section when logged in on home page -- added negative margin for using staff shortcode on full width page templates -- added second level drop-down menu styles
newpage-home-template.php -- added blocks for each section's styling (removed from custom-css.php
updatedstyle.css -- changed styles for gallery hero section
updatedjs/flex.js -- updated to version 2.2.2
updatedlayouts/hero-options.php -- added .loading-container div
updatedincludes/custom-css.php -- hide down arrow option
updatedincludes/theme-customizer.php -- hide down arrow option
newincludes/custom-js.php -- added start function for flex slider to remove loading body class
newincludes/body-class.php -- added function to create loading body class
newincludes/options.php -- added option to hide down arrow
updatedlayouts/hero-options.php -- moved hero-section div inside each conditional so it doesn't load in archive or blog pages at all
updatedlayouts/hero-options.php -- added display for category images and title on image
updatedlayouts/post-meta.php -- added spans to individual items for styling.
updatedstyle.css -- added clear to fourth items on larger screens. -- Added padding to bottom of animated panels. -- Set HTML height to auto. -- Set drop-down width to auto. -- Adjusted cart page on small screens. -- Changed Calculate Shipping Icon -- Changed hero section content to be displayed as a table cell for better vertical centering
updatedincudes/custom-js.php -- added smooth scrolling script for same page links -- Removed lightbox class from links in galleries (it was added to image links automatically anyway).
updatedincludes/widget-posts.php -- moved global more for the more tag
updatedlayouts/staff-details.php -- replace with at the end of the file
newincludes/body-class.php -- added function to add image class when image exists in product category taxonomy
updatedjs/cbpScroller.js -- replaced sections with divs for IE 8 compatibility
updatedincludes/shortcodes.js -- changed loading of scripts in animation to be tied to shortcode
updatedincludes/scripts.js -- removed enqueuing of animation scripts (moved to shortcode)
updatedlayouts/hero-options.php -- added slide ID to each style in the gallery section
updatedstyle.css -- added necessary styles for home page animation. Fixed home products margins on tablets
updatedpage-home-template.php -- added
for animation supportupdatedincludes/shortcodes.php -- added shortcode for home page animation
updatedincludes/options.php -- added drop-down top margin option
updatedincludes/custom-css.php -- added drop-down top margin option
newpage.php -- added
for animation supportnewincludes/scripts.php -- added enqueuing of cbpScroller.js, classie.js and modernizr.js
newincludes/custom-js.php -- initialization of cbpScroller added
updatedlayouts/staff-details.php -- fixed links to staff member's social profiles
newstyle.css -- added whitespace: nowrap to navigation menu and footer. Added styles to make WordPress gallery responsive on smaller screens
newFirst release