TYPE Restaurant

Umami is packed with great features to make your site stand out, while still being simple to use. Here’s a rundown of what you can expect:

Eye-catching, Fullscreen Design
Use a fullscreen image or slideshow for your background.
Each page/post can have a unique background.
Simple media setup.
Mobile ready, responsive design.
Great Food Menu Support
Easily add your menu items.
Support for optional thumbnails which open in smooth lightbox when clicked.
Display menu like you want to: by shortcode, page template or add directly to navigation.
WooCommerce Support
Create a unique site for your shop with our design.
Include a background video or slideshow behind your products.
Easy To Customize
Use your own logo.
Choose from over 600 of the best Google Fonts.
Visually choose your colors using the Theme Customizer.
Useful Tools
Automatic theme updates.
Staff section to introduce your key staff members.
Services section to detail and price the services your business offers.
Built-in image lightbox with 10 styles.
Cross-browser tested in Chrome, Edge, Vivaldi, Firefox, Safari and IE 9+.
Localized for translation.

Umami also includes dependable support straight from the developer.

July 9, 2019 - version 1.4.5

updatedinc/options-backup.php/options-backup.php: - Fixed PHP error. js/functions.js: - Fixed sidebar not scrolling down when using multiple widgets and when screen size is 970px and over. - Made the content area be the same height as the sidebar (full height).

September 17, 2018 - version 1.4.4

updatedincludes/images.php - fixed image thumbnails sometimes appearing blurry.

June 7, 2018 - version 1.4.3

updatedFixed Navigation Drop Down Link Background Color (Hover) option in responsive view. Files modified: - sidebar.php - includes/custom-css.php - style.css

May 8, 2018 - version 1.4.2

updatedfunctions.php - fixed Walker_Nav_Menu error

updatedincludes/fonts.php - fixed Google Fonts https error

April 16, 2018 - version 1.4.1

updatedFixing WooCommerce caused bugs - Gallery images (thumbnails) below products were blurry. So, we fixed that and made them appear 2 by 2 instead of 1 per row. Fixed logo hover as well (there was a background color appearing when hovering). - styles-woocommerce.css - change single product images display - includes/custom-css.php - styling bug fixes

April 10, 2018 - version 1.4.0

updatedWe added an option that lets you either have the menu closed or open at all times. We re-wrote the menu as we found some bugs when adding dropdown menus. You can find the new setting in Theme Options > Navigation. - functions.php - added option for open menu - sidebar.php - added option for open menu - header.php - added option for open menu - style.css - added option for open menu - includes/custom-css.php - added option for open menu - includes/custom-js.php - added option for open menu - js/functions.js - added option for open menu

February 14, 2018 - version 1.3.5

updatedtaxonomy-staff-group.php - fixed staff page template. Selecting it now displays the Staff in that page.

updatedstyle.css - reduced font size for shop page products title

updatedincludes/widget-contact.php - fixed customize contact widget width (customizer menu) in responsive view

January 5, 2017 - version 1.3.3

updated#content:after { position: fixed; left: 300px; width: 660px; top: 0; bottom: 0; height: 100vh; z-index: -1; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); } * style.css -- changed social URL's to remove .com from match to give easier matching across countries

03.17.2016 - version 1.3.2

updatedfunctions.php -- changed loading of woocommerce.php file so it only loads if WooCommerce is active

updated/includes/woocommerce.php -- added shortcode to make product list like menu group list

newstyle.css -- added a few styles to complete the product list

10.19.2015 - version 1.3.1

updatedstyle.css -- changed animations by .01 second to better sync them. -- set video backgrounds to be hidden on smaller devices -- set sidebar to position relative and added z-index

updated/includes/custom-js.php -- removed conditional to prevent supersized script from loading when using video. Allows for better background images on smaller screens.

updatedtaxonomy-staff-group.php -- added file for taxonomy archives

newtaxonomy-service-group.php -- added HTML for description if it exists

newtaxonomy-menu-group.php -- added HTML for description if it exists

newpage-menu-list.php -- added conditional for existence of taxonomy description

09.09.2015 - version 1.3.0

updated/includes/custom-js.php -- removed script to add "taller" class

updated/includes/scripts.php -- added loading of script from twentyfifteen to position sidebar -- removed imagesloaded.js

updated/js/functions.js -- script from twentyfifteen theme to position sidebar properly

updatedstyle.css -- removed references to taller class -- simplified styles for sidebar and content area

08.28.2015 -- version 1.2.3

updated/includes/widget-contact.php -- changed to php5 constructor

updated/includes/widget-facebook-like-box.php -- changed to php5 constructor

updated/includes/widget-video.php -- changed to php5 constructor

updated/includes/custom-js.php -- adjusted gallery php

updated/includes/theme-customizer.php -- added custom nav section to replace one removed in WP core -- removed custom footer field due to wp editor usage in theme options -- adjusted nav menu label to fix PHP notice

new/includes/options.php -- added default wp editor options array.

07.27.2015 -- version 1.2.2

updatedstyle.css -- added no animation to smaller than tablet sizes

updated/includes/custom-js.php -- changed adding taller class to after images loaded

new/js/imagesloaded.js -- added script to detect when images have finished loading

new/includes/scripts.php -- added enqueuing of imagesloaded.js

04.27.2015 -- version 1.2.1

updatedstyle.css -- added input email type to styles

04.17.2015 -- version 1.2.0

updated/includes/fonts.php -- updated list and added option for custom fonts

updated/includes/options.php -- added input for custom fonts

updated/includes/scripts.php -- enqueued wallpaper.js

updated/js/wallpapger.js -- added file

updatedstyle.css -- added wallpaper styles for video

updated/includes/woocommerce.php -- added file for WooCommerce functions

updatedstyles-woocommerce.css -- began loading WooCommerce styles in theme instead of plugin

updated/images/icons/ -- folder of images from WooCommerce plugin

new/includes/custom-meta-boxes/umami.php -- added fields for background video

new/includes/custom-js.php -- added background video

01.28.2015 -- version 1.1.2

updatedarchive.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer

updatedindex.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer

updatedpage-menu-list.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer

updatedpage-service-list.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer

updatedpage-staff-list.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer

updatedpage.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer

updatedsingle-staff.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer

updatedsingle.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer

updatedtaxonomy-menu-group.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer

updatedtaxonomy-service-group.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer

updatedwoocommerce.php -- moved sidebar to just above footer

updatedheader.php -- added mobile header section for logo and menu

updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- added slicknav call for mobile menu

updatedincludes/custom-css.php -- adjusted custom menu styles

updatedstyle.css -- added styles for mobile menu

01.15.2015 -- version 1.1.1

updatedfonts.php -- fixed enqueuing of heading font

updatedincludes/custom-css.php -- fixed heading font color

updatedincludes/options.php -- changed footer text from field to wysiwyg input.

11.27.2014 -- version 1.1.0

updatedfonts -- added Socicon font and removed "Icons" font

updatedstyle.css -- change social icons to use new font -- added support for TripAdvisor, FourSquare, Vine, Github

09.15.2014 -- version 1.0.6

updatedincludes/widget-contact.php -- added option to make address link to URL

08.14.2014 -- version 1.0.5

updatedpage-menu-list.php -- added wp_reset_postdata to fix conflict with background images.

updatedpage-service-list.php -- added wp_reset_postdata to fix conflict with background images.

07.12.2014 -- version 1.0.4

updatedincludes/queries.php -- added post_per_page => -1 for each post type.

updatedstyle.css -- took out unnecessary background video style

05.30.2014 -- version 1.0.3

updatedpage-menu-list.php -- fixed sorting

updatedpage-service-list.php -- fixed sorting

05.16.2014 -- 1.0.2

updatedstyle.css -- changed body fonts for IE 11

03/17/2014 -- 1.0.1

updatedstyle.css -- added box sizing for lightbox pop-up and set body background color to #000

updatedjs/lightbox/themes -- updated all styles to fix bottom border alignment

newincludes/custom-js.php -- added prev/next to gallery class

newincludes/queries.php -- added pre_get_posts for menu group and service groups

03/11/2014 -- 1.0

updatedFirst release

Umami is a WordPress theme that's perfect for restaurants and businesses alike. It has built-in support for WooCommerce so you can easily sell products online. Additionally, it's easy to style using the WordPress customizer and it supports dragging and dropping images.
Buy Umami - $50 Buy All Themes - $85Buy All Themes Lifetime - $95

Template Information

Created On:
March 11, 2014
Updated On:
February 26, 2023
Widget Ready:
High Resolution:
Compatible Browsers:
IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, Edge
Software Version:
WordPress 6+
Compatible With:
Files Included:
Package, PHP Files, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files
All of our themes include the demo files.
All of our themes are compatible with Elementor.
All of our modern themes are PHP 8.1 compatible.

Promotion: Get this theme or any of our premium themes for free when you sign up for any hosting plan with us.

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