updatedimages/icons.png -- changed name of file because BlueHost is lazy
newincludes/home-slideshow.php -- added id's to each slide
updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- removed mediaelement script
updatedincludes/scripts.php -- removed mediaelement scripts
updatedincludes/podcast-details.php -- swapped audio element for WP core's audio shortcode
newarchive-podcast.php -- added clearfix to podcast ul list
updatedincludes/scripts.php -- swapped local masonry for jQuery masonry
newimages/social.png -- added Instagram icon to image sprite
updatedjs/lightbox/lightbox.js -- updated to version 1.8
updatedstyle.css -- fixed content/sidebar padding on smaller than tablet devices
updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- changed loading of lightbox script
newincludes/queries.php -- added option to choose number of staff shown per page
new404.php -- added not found page
newsearch.php -- added search page
updatedarchive-podcast.php -- changed video to fit-video class
updatedjs/lightbox/lightbox.js -- updated to work with jQuery 1.10.2 (WordPress 3.6)
updatedstyle.css -- hidden p.time on pages; set max-width to 100% on images
updatedtheme-updater.php -- adds support for automatic theme updates
updatedheader.php -- changed order to load wp_head earlier
updatedcustom-css.php -- switched hook from wp_head to tha_head_bottom
updatedtitles.php -- updated to current framework version
updated options.php -- added option to disable automatic updates
updatedscripts.php -- changed main stylesheet loading from direct link to wp_head hook
updatedwidget-facebook-like-box.php -- updated Facebook embed code (removes border)
updatedfitvids.js -- removed source requirement on iFrame
updatedshortcodes.php -- added button and responsive video shortcodes
updatedhome-slideshow.php -- took out unnecessary captions
updatedstyle.css -- fixed second level navigation menu items from moving too far to the right
updatedstyle.css -- set background images and podcast images to max-width: 100%
newpodcast-feed-page.php added reverse escape to categories and function placed in functions.php
updatedqueries.php -- added to pre-post the order of the staff sections
updatedAdded Lightbox Evolution for thumbnail galleries
updatedtaxonomy-staff-group.php to get_template_part( 'archive-staff' )
updatedtaxonomy-speaker.php to get_template_part( 'archive-podcast' )
updatedtaxonomy-series.php to get_template_part( 'archive-series' )
updatedMade html5.js local instead of loading from Google and removed the is_ie conditional in scripts.php
updatedMissing Picasa from social icons
updatedOptions Framework (inc folder) to version 1.4
updatedfunctions.php -- flush rewrite rules and redirect to theme options on activation
updatedwidget-facebook-like-box.php -- removed style option that shouldn't have been there
newFirst Release