updatedjs/lightbox/lightbox.js -- updated to work with jQuery 1.10.2 (WordPress 3.6)
updatedjs/flexslider.js -- changed file name
updatedjs/fitvids.js -- removed iframe source requirement and changed file name
updated-Changed home.php to page-home.php -Titles.php to latest framework version -inc folder to include options backup -header.php for new title -options.php to remove unneeded SEO options
updatedAdded pre-get-posts to functions.php for sponsors and staff groups
updatedConsolidated custom.js into custom-js.php
newAdded functions.php flush rewrite rules on activation and redirect to theme options.
updatedUpdated Options Framework (inc folder) to version 1.4 Options.php and functions.php -- included staff and sponsors (no option)
updatedUpdated header.php: made favicon and Apple icon both conditional
updatedUpdated single-sponsor.php
newAdded taxonomy-sponsor-group
updated-Options framework to version 1.3 (changed directory name to inc from admin). -Finished adding textdomain to options.php -Updated organizedthemes.po file for translation
updatedChanged loading of script, image and widget functions to separate files from inside functions.php
newAdded style.css .flex-control-nav, ul.flex-direction-nav { display: none; } to hide some prev/next buttons and bullets that don't respond to js hiding.
new-Added po file for translations
updated-Changed default navigation color to white from gray. -Hid RSS icon in RSS widget
new-Added press-trends.php -- gathers anonymous stats on site adoption -Added additional background images (located in image/backgrounds)
updatedFixed style.css -- removed text-rendering: optimizeLegibility from body to fix disappearing links in Windows Chrome (browser bug).
newAdded custom-js.php -- creates function for slideshow options to be placed in wp-footer
updatedUpdated options.php -- include configuration options for slideshow
updatedFixed style.css -- stopped floating of links in page menu widget
updatedRemoved ot-gallery -- removed Fancybox lightbox gallery
updatedUpdated gallery post format to use all image from current page/post to fix images from other pages/posts appearing.
updatedChanged wp_print_scripts to wp_enqueue_scripts to load scripts in functions.php. Also changed priority on loading scripts in the footer to fix issue with WordPress 3.3
updatedFixed typo in respond.js
updatedAdded height auto to .content img.attachment-single in style.css
updatedChanged from action on newsletter bar
newAdded category description to the titles.php file
updatedMade change to footer icons in IE 8 and under stylesheet.
newFirst Release of Progress