updatedincludes/custom-css.php -- set drop-down background color to match header background color
newheader.php -- addded support for one level drop-down menu
newstyle.css -- added styles for drop-down menu
updatedoptions.php -- reorganized options into more logical tabs -- specified name directly at top of file
updatedfunctions.php -- wrapped everything in conditional tags
updatedheader.php -- removed direct link to stylesheet and Google fonts
updatedimages folder -- updated favicon and footer logo
updatedstyle.css -- made headings have font-weight 700 -- adjusted navigation menu position/spacing -- responsive video by css only (removed fitvids.js) -- added styles for tinynav.js
updatedjs/tinynav.js -- added for mobile navigation select
newincludes/scripts.php -- added enqueing of stylesheet -- added meta tag generator -- removed if IE conditional in php to help functioning with caching -- removed fitvids.js loading
newincludes/fonts.php -- added for Google Font options
newincludes/theme-customizer.php -- added support for theme customizer
newincludes/custom-css.php -- support for new custom options
newincludes/post-meta.php -- added conditional tag to remove comments when closed
newincludes/paging.php -- added built-in paging
newincludes/images.php -- added function for responsive oembed videos
updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- added lightbox class to all links directly to images
updatedincludes/widget-about.php -- fixed instagram link
updatedstyles.css -- replaced @groups with notes
updatedjs/lightbox/lightbox.js -- updated to version 1.8
updatedincludes/gallery-metaboxes/gallery-metabox.php -- fixed to work with WordPress 3.7+
updatedjs/lightbox/lightbox.js -- updated to work with jQuery 1.10.2 (WordPress 3.6)
updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- removed custom.js and replaced with this file
updatedjs/fitvids.js -- removed source requirements
updatedRemoved: widget-twitter.php Presstrends.php
updatedUpdated style.css -- added styling for Twitter Widget Pro --inc folder -- adds support for options backup/import --lightbox evolution to version 1.7.1 --titles.php -- updated to current framework version
newAdded automatic theme updates
updatedUpdated widget-twitter.php -- simple Twitter widget with styling
updatedFixed sidebar.php -- call to home sidebar.
updatedUpdated gave most functions their own files Gallery Metabox to version 1.5
updatedUpdated options framework to 1.4 and Lightbox evolution to version 1.6.10
newAdded redirect to theme options on theme activation
newAdded Twitter widget Lightbox image captions
updatedFixed newsletter bar that would appear when newsletter title was empty
updatedUpdated style.css to include the page title's font stack --fitvids.js class to be ot-video instead of just video to reduce conflicts.
newFirst Release