updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- changed lightbox script to apply to all image links.
updatedstyle.css -- added minimum height to #collection .slider-one to keep only a background strip from showing.
newheader.php -- added meta tag for viewport
newstyle.css -- added responsive styles
newincludes/theme-updater.php -- added support for theme updates
newoptions.php -- added options to disable theme updates and removed options related to built-in SEO
updatedjs/lightbox/lightbox.js -- updated to version 1.8
updatedfunctions.php -- updated excerpt function
updatedtitles.php -- updated to latest version
updatedheader.php -- changed title tag to reflect new titles.php
updatedincludes/gallery-metabox/gallery-metabox.php -- updated to work with WordPress 3.7+
updatedinc folder -- updated to latest version (added import/export)
updatedincludes/widget-facebook-likebox.php -- updated embed code (removes border)
updatedjs/lightbox/lightbox.js -- updated to work with jQuery 1.10.2 (WordPress 3.6)
updatedjs/fitvids.js -- removed source requirement from script
new-Added Lightbox Evolution based gallery searchform.php -Redirect to theme options on theme activation -Flush rewrite rules on theme activation -Offset and direction options to slideshow
updated-Updated gallery Metabox to version 1.5 -Moved General Sidebar to the top of the sidebar list -Changed home.php to page-home.php
updatedRemoved OT Gallery
updated-Updated options Framework (inc folder) to version 1.4 -Removed remaining closing ?> from function files
newAdded page-full.php: full width page template
updatedFixed custom-css.php: added #navigation to .menu-item a:hover
updatedFixed custom-css.php: removed extra "2's" from the #header background gradient for Firefox and Opera
newAdded link to fancybox stylesheet in header.php
newAdded background-image: none; to #header and #footer to custom-css.php
updatedFixed style.css -- removed from #footer filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#ffffff', endColorstr='#DCDCDC',GradientType=0 ); to fix custom colors with Internet Explorer
newAdded gallery metabox to portfolio items
updated-Changed loading of jQuery from Google to local WordPress version -PIE.htc to version 1.0 -Options framework to version 1.3 (moved directory from admin to inc) -Split individual functions from functions.php to separate files -Video widget added support for fitvids.js
updatedAdded height to image tag on home page so parallax background would attach on refresh
updated-Added function to enqueue script in functions.php -Updated Custom CSS -Changed gradient format for Internet Explorer 8 and under -Removed unnecessary !important declarations from stylesheets and custom CSS generator -Fixed parallax CSS bug introduced in version 2.0.0 (kept image from moving in some situations)
newAdded options framework
updated-Changed portfolio view to include all images loaded to a portfolio -Removed catalogs taxonomy (no longer needed) -Added meta box to media uploader select front page images -Changed jQuery version to 1.7.1 -Updated Facebook widget -Updated pie.htc file to beta 5 version -Transferred legacy IE support to load in header via the functions.php file
newInitial release of Curator