Church Builder is packed with useful features. You can view our live demo to see how it looks.
Here’s what you can expect:
Church Builder will give your church a website you can be proud of for years to come.
updated* UPDATE: The Events Calendar compatibility update. - functions.php, style.css * UPDATE: Text updates. * FIX: Block-based widgets caused widgets section not to work properly. - functions.php * FIX: Mailchimp widget critical error.
updated* Compatibility update for WordPress 5.7. * Compatibility update for PHP 8. - Fixing images media library buttons - church-builder/js/welcome-admin.js - Argument order - church-builder/includes/meta-boxes/includes/CMB2_Types.php - Widget: Announcements - tab fix church-builder/includes/widgets/widget-announcement.php
updatedDesign and demo improvements. Also added arrows for menus with dropdown menus. style.css, customizer-options.php
updatedDownloading podcast audio and notes wasn't working properly (it used to, before all these WordPress updates). Now it does.
updatedBlog posts have now a large width (it was so narrow before)
updatedstyle.css – increased post width as it was too narrow
updatedsingle-podcast.php – fixed download notes and audio bug
updatedlayouts/podcast-item.php - fixed download notes and audio bug
newImages and image galleries now pop up in a nice lightbox. It was just opening a new tab/window with the image prior to this improvement
updatedDisabled and removed the code for Page Transition Animations as it was preventing some elements from loading properly when switching pages: header.php - deleted code for page transition animations includes\scripts.php - deleted code for page transition animations includes\customizer-options.php - deleted code for page transition animations
updatedUpdated demo's blog posts
newAdded Post Carousel to footer using SiteOrigin's widget
newpage-builder.php —- added compatibility for SiteOrigin Page Builder 2.5+
updatedstyle.css -- fixed text logo font size so it will customize correctly
updated/js/smoothStateInit.js -- took out last function for compatibility
new/includes/body-tag.php -- added support for choosing layout on the posts page
updatedstyles-animate.css -- fixed disappearing text on mobile with "slide" animations
updated/includes/scripts.php -- moved smoothState loading to separate file
updatedstyle.css -- altered #wrap loading animation just a bit
new/includes/custom-styles.php -- added default values to get_theme_mod calls where appropriate
newadded registering and enqueuing of smoothStateInit.js
newpodcast-feed-page.php -- added keyword tag to podcast episodes
new/includes/scripts.php -- changed smooth scrolling for jQuery update
updatedpodcast-feed-page.php -- fixed reference to podcast image
newadded default 30 minute time to podcasts so feeds validate even if time hasn't been entered.
newfunctions.php -- added organizedthemes_rss_date function
updated/includes/page-builder.php -- updated code from site origin's page builder to render the rows to fix undefined index
new/includes/post-types/podcast.php -- changed $post->id to $post_id (props Aaron Van Ruler)
new/includes/post-types/staff.php -- changed $post->id to $post_id (props Aaron Van Ruler)
updated/includes/widget-video.php -- fixed scalar value error message
newsingle-podcast.php -- changed loading of series image
newFirst Release