I hope you like the Agency Theme for WordPress. I believe it has plenty to offer non-profits both large and small.
updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- removed isAnimated from masonry initialization to correct changes in WordPress 4.6
newincludes/custom-css.php -- added a.button styles
updatedjigoshop folder -- rolled css into style.css file
updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- removed fitvids.js
updatedincludes/scripts.php -- removed fitvids.js
updatedstyle.css -- incorporated fitvids styling into CSS and removed slider video style
newlayouts/post-meta.php -- added spans to individual elements
updatedheader.php -- removed duplicate body tag
updatedstyle.css -- changed list bullets to only apply to the sidebar and content
newincludes/custom-js.php -- added rel for prev/next in galleries
newpage-home.php -- added loading of page content between donation bar and widgets
newincludes/custom-css.php -- added #home-content to custom styles for #content
updatedNote: This is a significant update. Virtually every file has been edited in some fashion -all template files -- removed div#page
updatedjs/lightbox -- updated to version 1.8
updatedincludes/titles.php -- updated to current framework version
updatedstyle.css -- updated typography
updatedincludes/custom-css.php -- moved hook from wp_head to tha_head_bottom
newincludes/queries.php -- added to control number of staff displayed per staff group
newlayouts/staff-entry.php -- created to consolidate staff entries
newincludes/lightbox.php -- added script to generate lightbox class and gallery rel to WordPress galleries
newincludes/images.php -- added script to take galleries and use them as slideshows in gallery format
newlayouts/media-default.php -- added option to make slideshow the fallback
newincludes/theme-customizer.php -- added support for theme customizer
newincludes/fonts.php -- added support for Google Fonts
newincludes/theme-updater.php -- added support for automatic theme updates
newlayouts/media-default.php -- added option to have main slideshow as default fallback on inside pages
updatedjs/lightbox/lightbox.js -- updated to work with jQuery 1.10.2 (WordPress 3.6)
updatedjs/fitvids.js -- removed source requirement for iframes
updatedChanged functions.php -- set pre_get_posts to have posts_per_page to -1
updatedChanged page-staff.php -- added order and orderby parameters to wp_query
updatedFixed taxonomy-staff-group.php changed _title to title
newAdded functions.php -- add pre-get posts to allow ordering of staff groups.
updatedUpdated: -Options framework and added import/export options -Lightbox links for individual images -Style.css -- changed #wrap to overflow: visible
updatedFixed taxonomy-staff-group.php -- changed #page-left to #content
newAdded PO File for translations
updatedUpdated media-default.php: removed flexslider div from image post format
updatedUpdated custom-js.php: added smooth-height to flexslider and set use-css to "false"
updatedRemoved ie.css -- added styles to style.css
newAdded lightbox evolution option for image galleries
updatedUpdated options framework (inc folder) to version 1.4
newAdded functions.php -- flush rewrite rules on activation and redirect to theme options on activation.
updatedFixed style.css -- removed .page-template-page-home-php #footer { margin-top: -9px; } to fix Chrome bug
updatedFixed media-default.php -- the home section now correctly points to slideshow.php
newAdded header.php -- -Style.css -- hid donation description on smartphones, moved the logo/navigation above the slideshow
updatedFixed donation-bar.php changed to
updatedUpdated: -Video Widget -Facebook Widget -Twitter Widget -Featured Page Widget -Created file for each function originally in functions.php
updatedRemoved: -Fancybox gallery -Featured Post widget -OT Cycle for slideshow
newAdded: -Options Framework -Featured Page Widget -Custom Post Type for slideshow -Displaying image sizes next to Featured Image uploader -Google webfont Oswald (loaded in custom-css.js) -Theme Hook Alliance hooks -Archive.php file for archive pages -Flexslider for slideshows -Responsive design
updatedRemoved donation bar from full-width template
newAdded option for donation button to use URL in addition to PayPal
updatedFixed syntax error in index.php, added 404.php and staff group taxonomy
newAdded clear:both to .post-divider in style.css to clear floats in archive view
updatedFixed typo in widget-newsletter.php introduced in version 1.2.4
updatedUpdated enqueue scripts and changed meta boxes to "Custom Metaboxes and Fields"
updatedChanged options page to work with WordPress 3.0
newFirst release