Key Features

Engaging Design
Mobile ready, responsive design.
Retina display ready.
Touch enabled slideshows.
Choose your own colors, and backgrounds easily.
Use your own logo.
Support for Google fonts built in.
Useful Tools
Receive donations using our donation bar and buttons.
Create directories of your staff.
Custom widgets for videos, Facebook like box, featured pages and posts.
Create custom header slideshows on any page/post.
Built-in lightbox image galleries.
Support for header videos.

I hope you like the Agency Theme for WordPress. I believe it has plenty to offer non-profits both large and small.

08.23.2016 -- version 2.1.4

updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- removed isAnimated from masonry initialization to correct changes in WordPress 4.6

newincludes/custom-css.php -- added a.button styles

11.11.2014 -- version 2.1.3

updatedjigoshop folder -- rolled css into style.css file

updatedincludes/custom-js.php -- removed fitvids.js

updatedincludes/scripts.php -- removed fitvids.js

updatedstyle.css -- incorporated fitvids styling into CSS and removed slider video style

newlayouts/post-meta.php -- added spans to individual elements

06.30.2014 -- version 2.1.2

updatedheader.php -- removed duplicate body tag

05.16.2014 -- version 2.1.1

updatedstyle.css -- changed list bullets to only apply to the sidebar and content

newincludes/custom-js.php -- added rel for prev/next in galleries

newpage-home.php -- added loading of page content between donation bar and widgets

newincludes/custom-css.php -- added #home-content to custom styles for #content

10.14.2013 -- Version 2.1

updatedNote: This is a significant update. Virtually every file has been edited in some fashion -all template files -- removed div#page

updatedjs/lightbox -- updated to version 1.8

updatedincludes/titles.php -- updated to current framework version

updatedstyle.css -- updated typography

updatedincludes/custom-css.php -- moved hook from wp_head to tha_head_bottom

newincludes/queries.php -- added to control number of staff displayed per staff group

newlayouts/staff-entry.php -- created to consolidate staff entries

newincludes/lightbox.php -- added script to generate lightbox class and gallery rel to WordPress galleries

newincludes/images.php -- added script to take galleries and use them as slideshows in gallery format

newlayouts/media-default.php -- added option to make slideshow the fallback

newincludes/theme-customizer.php -- added support for theme customizer

newincludes/fonts.php -- added support for Google Fonts

newincludes/theme-updater.php -- added support for automatic theme updates

newlayouts/media-default.php -- added option to have main slideshow as default fallback on inside pages

08.06.2013 -- version 2.0.12

updatedjs/lightbox/lightbox.js -- updated to work with jQuery 1.10.2 (WordPress 3.6)

updatedjs/fitvids.js -- removed source requirement for iframes


updatedChanged functions.php -- set pre_get_posts to have posts_per_page to -1


updatedChanged page-staff.php -- added order and orderby parameters to wp_query


updatedFixed taxonomy-staff-group.php changed _title to title

newAdded functions.php -- add pre-get posts to allow ordering of staff groups.


updatedUpdated: -Options framework and added import/export options -Lightbox links for individual images -Style.css -- changed #wrap to overflow: visible

updatedFixed taxonomy-staff-group.php -- changed #page-left to #content

newAdded PO File for translations


updatedUpdated media-default.php: removed flexslider div from image post format


updatedUpdated custom-js.php: added smooth-height to flexslider and set use-css to "false"

updatedRemoved ie.css -- added styles to style.css

newAdded lightbox evolution option for image galleries


updatedUpdated options framework (inc folder) to version 1.4

newAdded functions.php -- flush rewrite rules on activation and redirect to theme options on activation.


updatedFixed style.css -- removed .page-template-page-home-php #footer { margin-top: -9px; } to fix Chrome bug


updatedFixed media-default.php -- the home section now correctly points to slideshow.php


newAdded header.php -- -Style.css -- hid donation description on smartphones, moved the logo/navigation above the slideshow


updatedFixed donation-bar.php changed to


updatedUpdated: -Video Widget -Facebook Widget -Twitter Widget -Featured Page Widget -Created file for each function originally in functions.php

updatedRemoved: -Fancybox gallery -Featured Post widget -OT Cycle for slideshow

newAdded: -Options Framework -Featured Page Widget -Custom Post Type for slideshow -Displaying image sizes next to Featured Image uploader -Google webfont Oswald (loaded in custom-css.js) -Theme Hook Alliance hooks -Archive.php file for archive pages -Flexslider for slideshows -Responsive design


updatedRemoved donation bar from full-width template


newAdded option for donation button to use URL in addition to PayPal


updatedFixed syntax error in index.php, added 404.php and staff group taxonomy


newAdded clear:both to .post-divider in style.css to clear floats in archive view


updatedFixed typo in widget-newsletter.php introduced in version 1.2.4


updatedUpdated enqueue scripts and changed meta boxes to "Custom Metaboxes and Fields"


updatedChanged options page to work with WordPress 3.0


newFirst release

A visually engaging WordPress theme for non-profits and organizations.
Buy Agency - $15 Buy All Themes - $85Buy All Themes Lifetime - $95

Template Information

Created On:
October 1, 2011
Updated On:
August 22, 2022
Widget Ready:
High Resolution:
Compatible Browsers:
IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, Edge
All of our themes include the demo files.
All of our themes are compatible with Elementor.
All of our modern themes are PHP 8.1 compatible.

Promotion: Get this theme or any of our premium themes for free when you sign up for any hosting plan with us.

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