Featured Content Gallery 3.0 Released

Many of you are painfully aware of the difficulty of the transition that happened with version 2.7 of WordPress being released and it’s initial incompatibility with Featured Content Gallery.  As someone who uses this plugin on my own site, I can relate to your problems.

But I’m happy to say that should all be a thing of the past now.  Jason Schuller from Revolution Two and www.jdidit.com has decided to allow a new group to take control of his Featured Content Gallery Plugin and continue development.  Sometimes when a freelancer has too many projects going on, it is difficult to update useful tools that they have give to the community at large.  I know I have been behind in updating my themes, something I do apologize for.  There has simply been too much paid work that hasn’t left me time to get down to business.  However I am planning on releasing a new premium theme very soon that will have you guys quite happy.

Back to Featured Content though.  It will now be updated by idplexus and you can find it at www.featuredcontentgallery.com.  They promise to provide more features and frequent updates.  Already they have added a feature that allows you to link to a page and not just a post.  This is of great benefit because there are some things you can do with a page in WordPress–think templates–that just aren’t as easy with a post.  The new format also makes it easier to keep your gallery in the order you want it to be.  The only downside is that you can’t add to the gallery from inside a post or page edit form.  You have to access the settings for the gallery.  It’s not that inconvenient, but this is something I hope they update in a future release.

I’m excited about this change.  And I believe it will benefit us all.

1 Comment

Kris January 30, 2009

Hey Bill-

Glad to hear you’re excited about the plugin. We’re definitely going to take it to new levels and hopefully make it one of the best image/media WP plugins available. Much of the credit must go to Jason Schuller for his amazing plugin to begin with, and we’re happy to take it on from here. By the way, the company name is iePlexus. Stayed tuned to featuredcontentgallery.com for more updates and features!

– Kris


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