Since it’s release in October, Elite has been our best selling theme. It’s a fantastic way to show off and sell your products. Since we started using it here at Organized Themes to run our own store back in late November, our sales have gone up significantly. But even with that success, there’s always room for improvement so today we’re releasing version 1.2.0 of the Elite theme.
Improved Product Categories
I’m a big fan of A/B testing as way to improve your website. While I was doing test on our theme style pages, I noticed that they converted exceptionally well. I noticed this while running a test on the hero images on our Church, Non-profit and Restaurant pages and here were some of the results:
So while I was happy to improve our conversation rate by 3.3% with the test, let’s be honest, that page was already converting at 93.6% anyway. So we had a bounce rate there of only 6.4% which is really good. Virtually everyone who made it to these pages was continuing on.
Now I had custom created those page templates for our own store, but I felt we could do the same thing with the category view in WooCommerce. So we’ve added hero options to that screen. Now you can upload an image to use in the hero section there. Just edit your product category and click the uploader there to add an image for the product category and that’s it. When you do that, the theme will display the category name as the hero title and the description as the hero caption.
It makes a good way to show off your product categories and hopefully have them convert like ours has.
Other Improvements
With the update we’ve also added several small improvements. There’s now a built-in smooth scroll script so you can gracefully move through links that are on the same page. We made the shopping cart work better on really small screens. The date/author/category line in the blog is structured a bit better so you can style the elements individually if you need to. We also fixed several bugs that had been reported or noticed.
Overall I believe this update strengthens an already great theme. If you haven’t checked out Elite, make sure to look at it today.
Moreno October 10, 2015
Ciao Bill,
scusa se scrivo in Italiano ma il mio Inglese scritto è quasi incomprensibile.
Ho installato Elite in gennaio 2014 e devo dire che grazie al tuo aiuto è stato molto facile creare il sito.
Ma quello che più è importante è che da subito ho ricevuto richieste di contatti per la mia attività, cosa che in 10 anni nonostante spendevo circa € 180,00 al mese di Google Ad Words con il vecchio sito non succedeva.
Posso confermare che Elite è WONDERFUL,
Grazie Bill
Bill Robbins October 12, 2015
Grazie mille Moreno 🙂
Stefano Serra April 8, 2014
It works…
I was trying to set the link directly with the Dev tools of chrome.
Bill Robbins April 8, 2014
Glad it’s working for you now 🙂
Stefano Serra April 8, 2014
Hi Bill,
you say: “There’s now a built-in smooth scroll script so you can gracefully move through links that are on the same page.”
I tried to put a link to an id (#…) but there is no smooth scroll.
Maybe I misunderstood?
Bill Robbins April 8, 2014
Hello Stefano,
That should do it. If you want to post a link to where you’re adding the link, I’ll be glad to take a look for you.