How To Make A Dynamic Small Group Sign Up

I’ve been working with small groups for the last 10 years and one of the challenges has always been to provide good ways for people to sign up. Recently, I started making online sign ups an option at a2 Church (a good example of our Church Builder WordPress theme being used on a live site) […]

WordPress 2.9 Update

In case you haven’t heard yet, a new update to WordPress was recently released (version 2.9).  I’ve already updated all the demos to the new version.  I’ve also updated two themes, New Church and Company Store, to work with the new version.  There was an issue with the post template feature, but that has been […]

Single Posts by Category

Several of my themes use a handy plugin called Single Post Templates which allows you to choose a template for any post just like you can for a page.  It’s a great feature that I think WordPress should roll into the core.  One thing I’ve noticed is that many people use the post templates on […]

Backups: They Really Can Save Your Site

It’s one of the computing mantras that you hear over and over again–keep regular backups. But how many people do that despite hearing the occasional horror story of losing everything with a hard drive crash or a virus. I’ve always been someone who has good intentions of keeping things backed up, but if I’m left […]

Add a Read More Link to a Text Widget

The default text widget allows you to not only place text, but HTML code as well. We can use that ability to create a link from a “Read More” button. Here is what the code we will use will look like: <a href=””>Read More</a> Here’s how to make it work. Go to the widgets menu […]

Plugins for Your Church

Plugins are a great feature of WordPress, but they change and new ones are introduced all the time, so we need to keep a look out for which ones are the most effective for our needs. This is a quick list of 9 plugins that I use in most every church site I create.

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