The cloud is a big business. Each day, more and more organizations are shifting their operations onto the cloud. After all, it benefits from many advantages. These include everything from increased accessibility to the fact documents can be accessed anytime, anywhere.
Despite the positives, there is usually one sticking point that stops certain outlets from adopting the cloud: security. With cloud security breaches frequently being reported in the press, it paints the picture that the service is far from safe.
That, however, is far from the case – if you take the right precautions. To ensure you follow the right procedures, here is a guide to private cloud security for businesses.
What is a private cloud?
Before moving onto security procedures, it’s key that you understand how private cloud differs from its public alternative.
A public cloud service is supplied by an external provider, so this means your data is stored by a third party. If you don’t want to entrust someone else to look after your precious data, this is where the private cloud comes into the equation.
A private cloud is where you manage the entire infrastructure. This means you need to purchase your own software, hire an internal team, and acquire the right hardware. While this delivers freedom and the ability to keep data in your own hands, a private cloud also presents its fair share of problems.
Breaches in security
The main threat of a private cloud is, of course, breaches in security. While public clouds have the advantage of being continually monitored by security experts, you don’t have that benefit with a private system.
To protect against breaches, you need to have security software in place. This can act as the backbone for all of your security efforts. When selecting software, however, ensure it is created with cloud in mind. Security specialists McAfee offers dedicated cloud security for example.
The concern of physical security
When you create your own private cloud, you have to deal with the hardware that comes along for the ride. This presents a different challenge in terms of security.
With this in mind, you will need to plan for where your hardware is stored. Multi-factor authentication security is a start, which will ensure the wrong people can’t access your cloud data center. In addition, fire suppression systems will protect against any unexpected fire concerns, while weather resistance structures will help battle against any natural disasters.
The continual need to stay updated
When the time comes for updating a private cloud with recently released software, businesses can often opt against doing so. This is because it can be both a costly and time-consuming affair. Instead, they will stick with their current software. After all, it’s still working fine. Why would they need to update?
The main reason to update is to protect against security threats. Hackers are always in search of ways to exploit any software vulnerabilities. This is particularly the case with outdated software that is no longer receiving any updates. Remember: cybercriminals are always evolving, and your business has to follow their example by continually updating your private cloud.
James Daniels is a freelance writer, business enthusiast, a bit of a tech buff, and an overall geek. He is also an avid reader, who can while away hours reading and knowing about the latest gadgets and tech, whilst offering views and opinions on these topics.
Jason February 18, 2023
Thanks for that my dear friends!
Jadde Wilson September 10, 2020
Hey James Deniels, thank you very much for such an informative and detailed post on the private cloud security.