5 WordPress Tips to Make Your Website Secure

You can have the most fantastic WordPress website online, but what’s the use of it if it’s not secure?

For your website visitors, website security is an unwritten law. If they notice that their personal information or credit card credentials can somehow get leaked, you can say goodbye to them forever. But how should you keep the security of your WordPress and guarantee that nothing will happen?

Of course, you could hire a JavaScript developer and ask him to solve all the problems for you, but it still would help if you understood the principles of WordPress security yourself.

We’ll go through all the tips and tricks to make your WordPress more secure and protect it from all malicious attacks.


5 WordPress tips to make your website more secure


  • Choose a good hosting

The foundation of your website’s security is your website hosting. So when choosing your hosting provider, go with the one that provides you with multiple layers of security.

For instance, shared hosting is usually less safe because you share your server with multiple other websites from other users. This makes your page more vulnerable to hackers and DDoS attacks, unless the company with whom you’re hosting has the necessary security equipment and software in place to counteract such attacks.

Think of it this way: if one of the website users experiences security problems and gets hacked, your website might be next because both of your websites are on the same server. However, software, like CloudLinux, installed on a server separates and isolates each account so that a hacked account or one with malware does not affect other accounts on the same server.

So, although cheap shared hosting is a low-cost and affordable solution, save yourself from all the nightmares it can bring to you later on, and go with a little more expensive but secure hosting provider.

We won’t say that you should go and buy yourself dedicated hosting. No, there is no reason for it if your website is small and straightforward. However, you should at least consider switching to VPS hosting or a proper managed shared hosting if you want your website visitors to feel safe.

By the way, if you choose good hosting, you will also speed up your website, which is nothing but good news!


  • Always upload trustworthy plugins and themes

As WordPress is an open-source platform, all the developers can easily make WordPress plugins and offer them for free. Yes, this sounds good, but it also sounds pretty dangerous. What if one of those seemingly innocent free plugins, in reality, wants to hack your website?

Now, one of the ways you could solve this problem is with JavaScript developers. You could hire a JavaScript developer and ask him to go through the plugins and search for malicious JavaScript that could potentially harm your page. This way, you could know which plugins to upload and which not.

Or you could simply skim through their reviews and numbers of downloads. We advise only to choose plugins that are pretty popular and get updated regularly. The same goes for the themes.


  • Update your existing plugins and themes

Don’t forget to update your plugins yourself too. Whenever you notice that the new updates are available, get them, or else you will end up having old plugins and themes that can become an easy source for your hackers to get access to your page.

Because we know how it happens:

Sometimes, you upload a plugin and simply forget about its existence. Then, months pass, but you don’t update or remove it from your plugin directory. And boom! You now have to look for your backed-up version of the website in order to restore it.

So, please, take updates seriously, or if you think you no longer need the theme or the plugin, delete it.


  • Install a security plugin

Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t have enough time to go through all the coding and check for malware or a security issue yourself.

It would be too time-consuming and rub you from the joy of having and maintaining a website. So instead, you should leave those technical aspects to a plugin.

There are hundreds of good WordPress security plugins that help you to keep your website safe. By conducting regular security checkups and scans, they quickly identify all the issues and help you solve them.

A good WordPress plugin would monitor your website 24/7 and regularly check it, providing you the reports.


  • Don’t forget the SSL

Last but not least, don’t forget to get an SSL certificate. It is an absolute must for your website: without it, most website visitors will simply leave your page, thinking that it is full of malware.

In fact, if your website takes sensitive information such as login credentials or other personal info, the SSL certificate is simply mandatory.

But even if you’ve just opened an amateur blog, you still need to get the SSL because Google considered it the base of security and included it in the SEO metrics.

So without it, you won’t get much high in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Hosting companies like Tribulant Hosting and Brontobytes both offer free SSL certificates.


That was it for today! Make sure you follow our recommended security practices always to keep your WordPress safe for your visitors.

1 Comment

5 Factors That Can Affect Your Website Performance And Harm Your Brand October 8, 2021

[…] Developing secure websites and applications is a natural requirement of the internet, driven by technologies’ advancement and disruptive threats rise. Secure elements increase the audience’s trust in the brand. On the other hand, adding many layers of security can harm the user experience. […]


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